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  K A U N A S,  L I T H U A N I A  

It is important to document our ancestors and relatives, living full lives, enjoying themselves, smiling, having diversions, and doing everyday activities. To contrast the sad realities of the tragedies that would occur later, and to rebut the misperception many have of the way Jews lived in the Old Country. Kaunas was a major city, and its citizens enjoyed all the fruits of modernity that their era brought to them. I hope to gather as many of these types of photos as possible.



Chaya Kamenshchik
Kamenshchik surname


Chaya Kamenshchik and friend, early 1920's


Tolla Aškinazi
(Ted Ashkenazy), on a bike on Laisves Aleja, 1939


Milk chocolate bar wrapper from the
Kodimo chocolate company, owned by
Jozef Askinazi


Workers inside the Kodimo chocolate factory, ca 1937


Tolla Aškinazi (Ted Ashkenazy) playing the piano in his parent's apartment


Tolla Aškinazi (Ted Ashkenazy) and friends, in Palanaga (summer vacation spot) on the Baltic Sea, ca 1938


Schwabe School, 1931/2
First grade (Mechina Alef)
 [Most identified]


Schwabe School, 1931/2
First grade (Mechina Alef)
 Purim Party
[Few identified]


Schwabe School, 1931/2
First grade (Mechina Alef)
[Few identified]


Schwabe School, 1939
[ID's coming soon]


Schwabe School, 1939
[All identified]


Schwabe School, 1939
[See a current photo of the Schwabe School]


Iser Lev, 1941
In family lore: "The bicycle he escaped on to join the Russian Army." He served in the 16th.


Unknown man on
street corner


Tsipa-Chava (nee Kulman) Taibel, Mere/Miriam (nee Taibel) Naftalovich, Sora-Chasia (nee Naftalovich) Shnaider, Hirsh Naftalovich, ca 1937


Schwabe School, 1939
[See a current photo of the Schwabe School]


Iser Lev, 1941
In family lore: "The bicycle he escaped on to join the Russian Army." He served in the 16th.


Unknown man on
street corner




Jewish Athletic Club
Soccer Team, 1925


Jewish Athletic Club


Jewish Workers Club



























































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