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  K A U N A S,  L I T H U A N I A  

Dem Greeneh Berg (Yiddish) - Žaliakalnis (Lithuanian) - Zelyonaya Gora (Russian) -
The Green Hill (English)

.... are all names used to describe a hillside area of East Central Kaunas. It is near Downtown Kaunas, just a bit to the north and east of there. The word "berg" or "barg" in Yiddish means " "mountain" or "hill." Many Jews, including a large part of my family, lived there.

Žemaičiu Street is one of the main ones in this area, a cross street running SW-NE, from Independence Square, in the direction of the Neris River.

Very large version available by contacting me.
I have a print copy of this entire map and can zoom in by scan, and show much more detail,
on specific sections of Zaliakalnis, which also covers a larger area than that shown above.

Cemetery - There is a cemetery on the hill. Some reports state it is in a state of neglect, with many tombstones overturned. Need information as to its exact location.

Please contact me with details and/or photos.


Many members of my Kamenshchik family lived on the Greeneh Berg. Nechemya Zvi (Chaimas Girsas in Lithuanian) Kamenshchik was a baker, and served breads and foodstuffs to the Russian Army during the First World War. He lived on Žemaičiu Street.

I have extensive information on Kamenshchik's all throughout Kaunas, including on the families of the spouses. Additional surnames connected to Kamenshchik's are: Beliay, Gerszensohn, Rom, (others to be added)

If anyone knows or knew any Kamenshchik's from Kaunas, please contact me

Chaya Kamenshchik
ca 1915


Chaya Kamenshchik


Chaya Kamenshchik


Kamenshchik Children
ca 1917


Hillel Kamenshchik
ca 1915


Kamenshchik - Peshkes Family, ca 1939


Kamenshchik - Rom Family at Purim Dinner 1939











Photos to be added soon

Chaim Hersh (Nehemya Zvi) Kamenshchik

Photos to be added soon

Chana (nee Don) Kamenshchik

Photos to be added soon

Hillel Kamenshchik

Photos to be added soon

More Kamenshchik Family and cousins

Photo to be added soon

At the Cemetery

Photo to be added soon

At the Cemetery

Photo to be added soon

At the Cemetery

Photos to be added soon

Passport Photos










Žaliakalnis Funicular was launched for operation on July 1931 in the very center of the City, at the end of A. Mickevičius Street. The lower station was built nearby V. Putvinskis Street, and the upper one – at the crossroad of Auſra and Žemaičiai Street. The distance between the stations is 150 meters. Two vans of the Funicular can lift 70 passengers at the same time.

On November 30, 1996, Žaliakalnis Funicular was designated as a cultural landmark of significance, having historical, technological and architectural value.



View down the hill


View down the hill


View down the hill


Side view









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