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  K A U N A S,  L I T H U A N I A  
  Holocaust   General Research  
    With a Rifle in My Hand and Eretz Yisrael in My Heart, by Dov Levin
    Kovno Ghetto Diary
    Ninth Fort Museum - In Kaunas
    Hidden History of the Kovno Ghetto - Exhibit at the United States Holocaust Museum
    Litvak SIG - Special Interest Group devoted to all things Lithuanian
    Family Finder - Database of Ancestral or Branch Towns and surnames currently being researched by Jewish genealogists worldwide
    JewishGen - The official home of Jewish genealogy
    Steven Morse One-Step Search Tools for Ellis Island Records
    The Association of Lithuanian Jews in Israel
    Yad Vashem - The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remeberance Authority

Nearby Towns


Panemune - 4.4 miles SE of Kaunas


Rumsiskes - 12.4 miles ESE of Kaunas



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