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  K A U N A S,  L I T H U A N I A  

The Kovno Ghetto was established on July 10, 1941 by the Germans, in an underdeveloped part of the city known as Slobodka, in Vilijampole, across the Neris River from the heart of Central Kaunas. At its peak, the Ghetto held 30,000 Jewish residents, most of whom were later sent to concentration camps, extermination camps, or were shot at the Ninth Fort. About 500 Jews escaped on work detail and joined Soviet partisan forces in the surrounding forests. Of the 37,000 Jews in Kaunas, less than 3,000 survived the war.

In July 1944, the SS destroyed the Ghetto and deported Kovno's remaining Jews to Stutthof and Stettin. From there, many were sent to Dachau and Auschwitz.


Map of the Kovno Ghetto


Map of the Kovno Ghetto
In English


Map of the Kovno Ghetto
In Hebrew [More detail]


Exhibit inside the Fort: Ghetto inhabitants being taken to the Ninth Fort for massacre, Oct 28, 1941


Kovno Ghetto in flames


The completely destroyed Ghetto, 1944. In July 1944, the Germans blew up and burned down the Ghetto in search of Jews in hiding there.


Ruins of the Kovno Ghetto


Ruins of the Kovno Ghetto


Moving into the Ghetto


Moving into the Ghetto



Moving into the Ghetto



Moving into the Ghetto


Moving into the Ghetto


Moving into the Ghetto


Moving into the Ghetto


Dr. Elkhanan Elkes,
chairman of the Jewish Council during the entire three years of the ghetto's life.




















Kovno Ghetto Gate


Street in Slobodka































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